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Nurturing New Beginnings: A Comprehensive Guide to Breastfeeding

Welcome to our breastfeeding resource page, dedicated to supporting and empowering mothers on their breastfeeding journey. Whether you're a new mum seeking guidance or an experienced parent looking for additional tips, this page is designed to provide you with valuable information, practical advice, and helpful resources to ensure a positive breastfeeding experience for both you and your baby.


Benefits of Breastfeeding

Breastfeeding is more than just providing nourishment; it's a beautiful bond between mother and child. Here, we explore the numerous benefits of breastfeeding, including optimal nutrition, immune system support, emotional bonding, and long-term health advantages for both mother and baby.


Nourishing Society Beyond Nutrition

The Cost of Not Breastfeeding

Globally, nearly 500,000 children and nearly 100,000 women die each year due to inadequate breastfeeding. These preventable deaths, combined with cognitive losses, and health system costs of inadequate breastfeeding leads to over US$570 billion in economic losses annually.

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The Green Feeding Tool

Breastfeeding is a sustainable feeding option that produces zero waste, requires no packaging, and has minimal carbon footprint compared to formula feeding. By choosing to breastfeed, mothers contribute to environmental conservation and reduce their ecological footprint. 

The Mothers Milk Tool

The Mothers’ Milk Tool has been developed to make more visible the economic value contributed to society by women’s unpaid care work through breastfeeding of infants and young children at the country and individual levels. The user can use the preloaded data or enter their own data for most variables.

The Drawbacks of Breast Milk Substitutes: Understanding the Risks

While breastmilk substitutes are sometimes chosen by parents for a variety of reasons, it's important to recognize the potential drawbacks that come with using these alternatives

Poster Risks of Formula milk
Poster: risk of bình bú, núm vú giả
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Nutrition for Pregnant and lactating women

Breastfeeding your babies within the first hour after birth

Initiating breastfeeding within the initial hour after birth could potentially prevent approximately 20 percent of newborn deaths, effectively acting as the infant's primary "immunization" against infection and disease. This early commencement of breastfeeding can be encouraged through uninterrupted skin-to-skin contact with your babies for a continuous 90-minute period following birth. The instinctive act of latching onto the mother's breast is among the nine innate steps newborns take.

Breastfeeding your babies

Baby feeding cues
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Breastfeeding position
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Baby Stomach

Human Milk Banks: Increasing chances to life for at-risk newborns

More than 500 human milk banks around the world protect infants from sickness and even death. While all newborns can benefit from human milk, not all women are able to provide breastmilk; sometimes the mother is too ill or on medication incompatible with breastfeeding. For infants at greatest risk—pre-term, low weight, or orphaned—human milk banks offer the most powerful life-saving nutrition available. Human milk banks need to follow the highest international standards of rigorous screening and pasteurization to ensure safety and nutritional integrity. 

Every drop of breast milk is precious, especially to babies who are born prematurely or with medical complications. Your donation to a human milk bank could mean the world to a baby in need, offering them the best possible start in life. Find the nearest HMB around you to donate your breastmilk. 

Work Meeting

Breastfeeding and Returning to Work

We believe that no woman should have to choose between breastfeeding and work. Babies need to continue to be breastfed after 6 months of age until at least two years, as recommended by WHO. Mothers require time for breastfeeding, space for lactation, and support from workplaces to continue breastfeeding. Let's check with your workplace about support for breastfeeding, especially lactation rooms at work.

Breastfeeding at work: Let’s make it work
An introduction to Workplace Lactation Support programs
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Hand express and store breastmilk to feed your babies
Breastfeeding is not just one mother's job

No mother should navigate her breastfeeding journey alone. Find reassurance and guidance from lactation consultants, breastfeeding support groups, and online communities.

Download Momby – the AI parenting mobile app that assists you with timely advice on child nutrition and breastfeeding.

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